Tony Wars Epsiode One - The Visa Hope
So Darth America banished me to Belfast to apply for a visa under the watchful eye of Princess Visa Consulate. With much lightsabering force and having to wait in line....i finally used my powers to rtick the woman into giving me a visa! So...I got my visa, destroyed the death star and can coe back to L.A anytime i want! Although, thanks to Erin Skywalker Trine who initailly provided me with the visa money way back ages ago on a Mission Adventure very far away...
Tony Wars Epsiode Two - Attack Of The Past
Today i was listening to a song by Plumb, called God Shaped Whole. Its in the movie Bruce Almighty, so you have probably already heard it. But it just really blasted me back to past and the time i first heard it. It was sometime in May 2005, I was living in a house in Kilcooley Estate, Bangor, with my firends Gareth adn Ruth. They so kindly let me lodge there, cause my mum and dad threw me out after being a bad boy! So i was living there. (i wasnt really bad by the way) Glenn Woodward came round one night to watch that movie with me, it was nice. Ihad made pasta and cheese and had a good wee time. But it just reminded me of a lot of fun moments i've had with Glenn and the Bangor Crew.
May 2005 -
Move in with Gareth and Ruth. Learn to do washing clothes! Made real friends. Niaomi, Rob, Julie Gould, Mark Adair, Ruth, PC, Dianne, Pete...and alot more but i forget. Steve Gilk made me a bacon sandwhich on the way to school. (in his car while we were driving..he presented it to me when i got in his car) Done my A Levels. Got a Passport. Spoke in tongues. Read some amazing books. Hung out with Woodward and Gareth alot.
November 2005 - April 2005
Lived with Glenn Woodward for a while, enjoying many crazy antics such as him gargling salt water and him coughing it and nearly dying. Going to a conference with Jav an Fee and making videos about Glenn. Fiona announcing her pregnancy! Glenn making me go to bibley things...which i loved alot. Writing stuff in the snow with Mark Adair (we used our fingers...and wrote our web addresses!haha!) Going to Portstewart with Phil, Hammy, Ian, Marty, Joel, Lynne, Rob.That was so much fun, especially when Phil and me cracke dup when Ian tried to say we didnt do anything. So then Phil and I offered to do everything as a joke, saying 'oh we havnt done much we can do it' was a great time. There was a great dayi hung out with Niaomi and Laura ran the marathon and we hung out, had lunch in Pizza Hut (it was disgusting) then Phil took the cheese out of the pizza and made a gross cheese stick with it. Which got thrown at me.
however...this was the famous bad april, when the dark side of the force was strong. I listened to lies i thought were real from the tramp Satan, and i ended up trying to kill myself. I was just in the pits of despair. Even days after i totally wished it had have worked. Eugh, i cant even look at Anadin Extra anymore..there were really bad days, then i was living with Chris Dunn for a while. And Susanne was around alot. And im glad. Cause i got to know her and be her friend and i dearly love her. even though i dont get to see her much anymore. I love you Chris and Suz...marry each other. Anyway...cause of those guys, i got to spend more time with Tim - haha, what a flipping awesome guy. I am indeed in love with him too! And Jolene - my other half...i adore her, i hope to see to see her before i go again! Somewhere Over the Rainbow...Eva Cassidy is on makes me think of heaven! I can't wait to go there!
Tony Wars Episode Three - Revenge of the Book
So ages ago someone commented, I think it might have Megan Burmester. (although I remember Fiona saying this years ago!) That my life has been full of crazy things, that it should be a book! So I've decided...maybe it should. My new project is a book. It's just gonna be about me and my life and where i've been adn where I've been rescued from...its a great story of I'm looking for your imput too...and i'll put it in the book...something you like about me, or something you've learnt from me, or just something funny about me that you know...go for it! Message me!
This is me, Chris and Susanne in Belfast City Hospital the day i overdosed. Hence me looking aweful...

1 comment:
That's ok Tony, I still love you
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