So, its been really nice (not having much to do, but still just being here) I've been having a lot of fun with Lauren and Susie. Susie is this english chick, who is maybe a toff, but hides it well with her dirty humor! haha! I think i love her...actually i do! I didnt have a toothbrush and was feeling like a big stink rat, so Susie was going out with Big Pregnant Alison and bought me a toothbrush...not just any electric one! Not just any electric one, A SPIDERMAN ELECTRIC ONE! Flippity flip flip! The most amazing toothbrush ever!
Then last night we went out for ice cream, and I seemed to be the only one who knew the way when we got there...turns out I'd taken them to the wrong place! haha! So while Lauren disguised her anger....(she was sooo mad pretending not to be!)...she picked up some Klondike (i hate the name) cones and we ate some of those bad boys. So, we got in the car, and drove to subway a few blocks up, (Than and Jonas wanted subway..and they offered me a drink so i had to take it, seeing i forgot to get my euros changed! (Good excuse i know!) So, we parked beside these people, and this one girl, the driver, called these guys over, and was like 'Listen to this' and played some ridiculous emo we decided to do some thing (the cars were right beside each other, like you had to be careful getting out cause they were so close) so we opened out windows and put on some classical music! Lauren and Susie were cracking up, but I, a true thespian, held my you do, they didnt seem to flinch, (the other people) i think maybe they were embarrassed...anyway..when a spare space came free, we drove right to the subway door. Than and Jonas were taking ages cause they were flirting with the women we put on some more mexican and classical music and blasted it! The car from before (now behind us) the guys standing outside the car both turned round and lookmed right at us. It was hilarious. So then Lauren and me got outta the car and had a dance party in the street in front of subway. It was fun! Then Than and Jonas came out, and Than joined was a great time! Then when we came back to the base, we had somemore klondike (ugh) cones and chilled ofr a bit..and i drank my recently purchased Subway Coke. yummy. little bluetooth device is well sweet for check out these bad boys!
Over and out - Seargant Tony.
This is the hot little toff Susie

This is Lauren...both innocent and seductive...she can be both cause shes part mexican you know...

This is the amazing toothbrush (and me and susie!)

This is my room! It might look a bit like a dump now...but i assure you...its gonna get nicer soon!

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