Woah...that sounds totally asian. I actually wrote 'It has been,' at the start but i didn't come out...
Anyway the last few weeks have seen some amazing things happen..I shall bulletpoint them for you.
*I roadtripped to Colorado through California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah and Colorado.
*We had a four day amazing conference and worship time 8000ft in Estes Park on a mountain.
*God revealed alot of things about my future to me.
*I met a new amazing friend called Eric. My ministry partner and English speaking extraordinaire.
*I had a really tough week making some decisions on whether or not i was gonna do something...omninous...i know.
This week was sweet though! Kenny Peavy asked me to play keys for him at the New Wave conference (which in YWAM, thats a big deal - actually outside YWAM it's a big deal too!) so i have been the last five nights. I have been able to hear our founder of the mission, Loren Cunningham everynight, and on Saturday we had our Open Base day and he was here again. Our base needs 75,000 to get some projects started and we had a small offering and got 76,000! It was sweet...Also...we got to see the Performance DTS from Kona , Hawaii. And i should mention the fact that they are ABSOLUTLY CRACKING! Seriously...they had old korean dance, ballet, hip hop (like immense hip hop) singing, acting and everything combined to make a performance of 'The Prodigal Son'. I was so impressed i want to staff one of those DTS now to be in it!
I had the priveledge to get to know some of the amazing people in the DTS. Danielle, Tammy, Jess, Maria, Danny...and many others whose name i didn't get. But i was playing piano for thousands of people in all! Seriously an honor. I am really learning my heart for worship, which i kind of felt this summer. But this week has really expanded it. So...the purpose of this conference? The raise up American/Asians into ministry, because now is the time when God is calling them to make a change. They have two cultures and twice the responsibility. Those guys are so passionate and dedicated, i see the American Asians (specifically American Koreans) as the next set of world heroes! it will be exciting to see what God will use them to do!
So I'm feeling called, definately into YWAM, but also to China. It just gets confirmed MORE and MORE. Also...my sister is having another baby boy! What the heck! God revealed to me her pregnancy...CHECK. God told me it was a girl....NOT CHECK...what was going on!!!??? So God was like, 'Tony...there will be A girl...i didn't say this one was gonna be a girl.' And I'm like...'Ahh...okay....so more babies?' And i can't really tell her cause she'll feel all under pressure to reproduce! tut tut...well...to close this off...i shall promise to blog more...and theres only like 26 days untili enter the land of 'not allowed to say where'...BUT YOU KNOW...if you don't, you can message me and I'll tell you...but for now...get writing me christmas cards, cause i need them for 1st December!
Lots of love.....
P.S I also want to take this oppertunity to honour Kyah Feldes. She IS from the fields. And i do love her so. She is so unique, in her own strange 'Winona Ryder-ish' way. I thank god for bringing her into my life. FOr brightening up my heart..for making me smile whenever i HATE BEING CRUSHED IN THE VAN!
Heres me and Kyah not looking our best (I'm sorry Kyah but seriously we look rough..although we had travelled for some time.)

Eivind and Kyah doing dramatic hair poses in Colorado!

80's day at the base!

The Travel posse! Day one! (about 20minutes into the 20hours ride and i hated it!)


My DTS Girls! Playazz!

Our Beautiful open day...I look so constipated!

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