No. Im not leaving. But i do have to do research.
Things are heating up and we have 10 days left. Oh my flipping word. And i need $3000. Let's see how Jesus provides for this one. Twelve minutes. Friday is our talent show. Kyak (my new name for Kyah) Maria and I are performing 'Downtown', from 'Girl Interrupted.' It should be fun! I also wrote a play called 'Jodi's Christmas Nightmare' and it has chereographed dance. Haha! I like to think of myself as multi-talented. Or at least 'multi-trying'. ten minutes.
I just watched two episodes of Home and Away. Kim and Rachel got married. And then that stupid ugly runt Lee came back for her baby. And she got it! Unfair! Seriously, i feel like praying for this situation, but I know it wouldn't help cause they aren't real. Maybe I could pray for the writers of the show...
And Sally...who's idea was it for her to flipping stabbed and left for dead??
That is Stoopid! I love Sally. It's like everything in my life is coming to an abrupt end. nine minutes. So I am going to 'Can't Say Where', Home and Away is going to be on a break, so I won't be able to find out who's dead until I get back.
eight minutes. I have been thinking of coming on full time staff here at L.A. It means i will be working full time with the Mission Adventures programme. Katherine says she already has plans for me...interesting. So i guess i am going to be doing the School Of Ministry Development in March. Here in L.A...that will last until Mission Adventures....then I will come on full time staff, and have to have regular supporters and stuff. That will be grown up for me.
Anyway..apparantly Kyah is getting married. I just don't know who to. I hope it goes better than Kim and Rachel's wedding. They lost their adoptive baby!
Seriously why? Why Lee, WHY?! five minutes...okay so here are a few pictures of how I am feeling...
Three minutes. (I wish this computer would hurry up.) Okay time is up now cause I've been waiting...

Finally...oh Sally...she looks afraid...Well done Home and Away...if you kill her...I will never watch again...(okay I so will...but idle threats are much needed.)
Must dash.
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