So...yesterday I almost went into anaphylactic shock...
I woke up on the base...pretty early...went to base meeting..and saw so many people that I havent seen in so long. I saw Eliza, and nearly's only been two months but i didn't really vet to see her the last time i was we are gonna hang like a hang nail.
There was a bit of a shock later when I walked into the little walkway thing and there stood my norwegian prince. Eivind.
So we ended up spending the day being crazy fools. We had some lunch, hung out in the coffee room, went to the dollar store...then to the mall...and all of this was directed by our -on-the-phone GPS system, Katie Colvin.
After Eivy bought some clothes and dragged me around all the shops (what a woman) we got some food and prepared to depart.
Back at the base we put together a cunning plan to go see Narnia. I have seen it twice, but Katie, Annie nor Eivind, who were going with us, hadn't seen it, and I love it so I had no problem going to see it after all.
Which we did, and there were some mixed reviews, which we talked out on the way home...Norwegians!...So...then it was off to beddie byes.
P.S There was a serial killer in the mall...we almost died. He jumped on my back and proceeded to stab me four times, Katie flykicked him off and he landed in the fountain...and he burst into flames. It was scary. But we're ok.
Good ole base.
Right now I am listening to The Smashing Pumpkins sing "Landslide" (which is better than the country version any day of the week) and admiring your sweet mug (I hope that doesn't mean anything dirty in Irish slang). I have linked your blog to mine...even if you did ditch me to go see Narnia..or film interpretation of a masterpiece of literature or whatever you want to call it. yeah. thanks.
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