A new marriage. A new makeup expirement. And a new hairstyle, created by moi for one of my friends. Why should you care? Because. You just should.
So, I'm hoping lots more people are reading this now that I am linked on both Karisse and Kristal's blogspot pages...so here begin yee ole madness blog.
Eivind came and went. Saddness abound.
I got to hang out with my friend Holly from ComedySportz...she rocketh.
Brandon and Leslie finally tied the knot, which was an exciting wedding to be at. For real. The first time i met Leslie was over the phone...in the summer of 2006 at a chilli burger fast food place. Good times. All of their families were here and it was alot of fun having all the people around the base...like old times.
There was dancing, and grooving, and cheesecake - and I even wore eyeliner. It was inspired by Kyah and Kristal (of course it would be) but it's not like I put up a fight. I also did Katherine's hair. (This blog is turning more and more strange) But I was excited because Fiona taught me how to curl/wave hair with a flattening iron. And i think it looked gooood. In the hoooood.
Life is going in major dramatic ways. Ways I fear, ways I am exicted about, ways that seem like such good idea's then wake me up ina cold sweat during the night because they don't seem possible...but they are happening all right.
Oh yeah, I need you help.
I need to raise about 400dollars so I can fly back to ireland within the next week to begin raising support for my full time committment to missions! Please help and contribute, you are not just helping me, but advancing the kingdom of God.
Bless you punks.
p.s wedding pics should be on facebook.
Tony: Kristal, what do think about nuns..?
Kristal: (sniggers..)My first thought was like...they are sexy. But I feel sorry for them sometimes. My dad came to visit nuns when he was in Germany for like a week. Well, maybe it was a day...oh (laughs) I didn't realise how valley girl I sounded...this is why I dont have any friends...I sound just like those dumb girls on the radio yesterday (Disney FM)..and I was totally judging them and God was like don't be judgemental, and I am just like them, God just used you to prove that to me...(in a serious voice) Thanks Tony, for taking me off my high horse.
Tony Tony...I see we can link YOU but you can't link US? Sigh. And by the way...my sister's name is spelled KristEL ("E" not "A") :)
you're linked on my blog too :)
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