Hey all!
Great and exciting news comes to those who wait!
Well, the last few days have seen amazing things happen. God just really speak about direction, encouragment spoken to me, dealing with inner things I've needed healing for, doing some fun creative work with the Mission Adventures crew out here in L.A and most importantly, just having a blast discovering who I am as a son of God.
Well, Tuesday 24th June, I will be back in Northern Ireland for 3 weeks to visit family and friends, as my sister is coming over from ENgland for a few days, so I definitly wanted to pursue a trip home.
There was a big part of me that was torn up. I wanted to stay in California to work with my church, but I wanted to go home to ireland...but there was not a part of me that was peaceful. About anything. I even asked God to give me dreams, and I had two in one night, one was at home, one was here in California.
Then last night after seeking God with a friend I was praying with, and after reaching a place of desperation for God to speak, he finally dropped something into my head. Both.
How could I do both?
Well, when I found out that my sister was going to be home, and our family could all be together for a few weeks, I knew straight away what to do. God also give me specifics on coming back to California for July-August. I don't know exactly where and what, I have my ideas, and people are praying but I felt so strongly that I was to be here for that part of the summer...and then after that is the exciting part.
Since being here on the YWAM base, I have really connected, in such a God way, with a guy called Tony, who has been a missionary in Kyrgyzstan for the last 5 years, and just recently finished School Of Worship here at the YWAM base. It was something so God annointed, and appointed, that when we prayed together, God just showed up, and did things, as we found ourselves in 5 hours long conversations until 3 in the morning most nights!
After hearing him share about Kyrgyzstan, and the culture and people, I had this little jump in my heart. He shared about disabled orphans (something God gave me a heart for while in Egypt) and one thin he constantly reminded me as I sought direction was 'remember where God has led you'...more specifically, what God has already spoken into my life. Which reminded me of DTS and one night I had this dream that I was in this village, walking through, on a mountain and there was a yak pulling a cart...
..after praying into this, and obviously having spoke to people (Pete and Kizzy at the time) I am excited to say that I will be going to Krygyzstan at the end of August on a 'scouting' type trip. I will get to do some practical work, serving Tony and the people there as Tony makes a transition to come back to the US, and getting to see the orphan ministry and just love on some kids...as well as really pray into the possibility of why God brought Tony and I together, ministry wise, as well as friendship wise.
Everything has just been so God appointed...and that's so exciting!
God also confirmed this in a time of seeking confirmation too. Tony has this clear picture and image for God, and I got a random bible verse, which was spot on, especially after praying that God would give me scriptural support.
All in all, its an exciting time, God is giving me back my heart for missions, a real passion and desire to serve where possible, and a passion to see my family.
But let me tell you it hasn't been an easy place to get to, and I am excited to see what God does as I enter the next few months of personal outreach.
Again, this is all something that is self funded and I just want to go do Gods work and help advance the kingdom!
The costs for things like these can sometimes be high, but God has really blessed me so far, and I know will continue to as I step out in obedience.
My flight to Ireland and back to California is part paid but i still need about $800 to cover the cost, and my trip to Kyrgyzstan is going to cost around $2500 to $3000 dollars.
Those are my needs and I believe in what God has spoken, and have absolute faith that God will provide. So I want to ask you directly if you would partner with me in my endeavours to follow where God has led, and know that when you can financially support, it is not just me, but the Kingdom you are investing into. I am excited to get to be God's hands and feet and only you can help make that possible!
The smallest donations can make the biggest difference, and even from $1 they all make a difference. I am excited to partner with you and I will call you soon to follow up! So please let God do something amazing and be part of this amazing adventure over the next few months!
I would ask that you would respond, even if it is to say that you can't support me right now, please let me know!
God's blessings!
Dé Domhnaigh, Meitheamh 22, 2008
Dé Luain, Meitheamh 16, 2008
A long weekend.
This weekend was a weekend of many new things.
A new marriage. A new makeup expirement. And a new hairstyle, created by moi for one of my friends. Why should you care? Because. You just should.
So, I'm hoping lots more people are reading this now that I am linked on both Karisse and Kristal's blogspot pages...so here begin yee ole madness blog.
Eivind came and went. Saddness abound.
I got to hang out with my friend Holly from ComedySportz...she rocketh.
Brandon and Leslie finally tied the knot, which was an exciting wedding to be at. For real. The first time i met Leslie was over the phone...in the summer of 2006 at a chilli burger fast food place. Good times. All of their families were here and it was alot of fun having all the people around the base...like old times.
There was dancing, and grooving, and cheesecake - and I even wore eyeliner. It was inspired by Kyah and Kristal (of course it would be) but it's not like I put up a fight. I also did Katherine's hair. (This blog is turning more and more strange) But I was excited because Fiona taught me how to curl/wave hair with a flattening iron. And i think it looked gooood. In the hoooood.
Life is going in major dramatic ways. Ways I fear, ways I am exicted about, ways that seem like such good idea's then wake me up ina cold sweat during the night because they don't seem possible...but they are happening all right.
Oh yeah, I need you help.
I need to raise about 400dollars so I can fly back to ireland within the next week to begin raising support for my full time committment to missions! Please help and contribute, you are not just helping me, but advancing the kingdom of God.
Bless you punks.
p.s wedding pics should be on facebook.
Tony: Kristal, what do think about nuns..?
Kristal: (sniggers..)My first thought was like...they are sexy. But I feel sorry for them sometimes. My dad came to visit nuns when he was in Germany for like a week. Well, maybe it was a day...oh (laughs) I didn't realise how valley girl I sounded...this is why I dont have any friends...I sound just like those dumb girls on the radio yesterday (Disney FM)..and I was totally judging them and God was like don't be judgemental, and I am just like them, God just used you to prove that to me...(in a serious voice) Thanks Tony, for taking me off my high horse.

A new marriage. A new makeup expirement. And a new hairstyle, created by moi for one of my friends. Why should you care? Because. You just should.
So, I'm hoping lots more people are reading this now that I am linked on both Karisse and Kristal's blogspot pages...so here begin yee ole madness blog.
Eivind came and went. Saddness abound.
I got to hang out with my friend Holly from ComedySportz...she rocketh.
Brandon and Leslie finally tied the knot, which was an exciting wedding to be at. For real. The first time i met Leslie was over the phone...in the summer of 2006 at a chilli burger fast food place. Good times. All of their families were here and it was alot of fun having all the people around the base...like old times.
There was dancing, and grooving, and cheesecake - and I even wore eyeliner. It was inspired by Kyah and Kristal (of course it would be) but it's not like I put up a fight. I also did Katherine's hair. (This blog is turning more and more strange) But I was excited because Fiona taught me how to curl/wave hair with a flattening iron. And i think it looked gooood. In the hoooood.
Life is going in major dramatic ways. Ways I fear, ways I am exicted about, ways that seem like such good idea's then wake me up ina cold sweat during the night because they don't seem possible...but they are happening all right.
Oh yeah, I need you help.
I need to raise about 400dollars so I can fly back to ireland within the next week to begin raising support for my full time committment to missions! Please help and contribute, you are not just helping me, but advancing the kingdom of God.
Bless you punks.
p.s wedding pics should be on facebook.
Tony: Kristal, what do think about nuns..?
Kristal: (sniggers..)My first thought was like...they are sexy. But I feel sorry for them sometimes. My dad came to visit nuns when he was in Germany for like a week. Well, maybe it was a day...oh (laughs) I didn't realise how valley girl I sounded...this is why I dont have any friends...I sound just like those dumb girls on the radio yesterday (Disney FM)..and I was totally judging them and God was like don't be judgemental, and I am just like them, God just used you to prove that to me...(in a serious voice) Thanks Tony, for taking me off my high horse.
Dé Máirt, Meitheamh 10, 2008
So...I went through this wardrobe...
So...yesterday I almost went into anaphylactic shock...
I woke up on the base...pretty early...went to base meeting..and saw so many people that I havent seen in so long. I saw Eliza, and nearly died...it's only been two months but i didn't really vet to see her the last time i was here...so we are gonna hang like a hang nail.
There was a bit of a shock later when I walked into the little walkway thing and there stood my norwegian prince. Eivind.
So we ended up spending the day being crazy fools. We had some lunch, hung out in the coffee room, went to the dollar store...then to the mall...and all of this was directed by our -on-the-phone GPS system, Katie Colvin.
After Eivy bought some clothes and dragged me around all the shops (what a woman) we got some food and prepared to depart.
Back at the base we put together a cunning plan to go see Narnia. I have seen it twice, but Katie, Annie nor Eivind, who were going with us, hadn't seen it, and I love it so I had no problem going to see it after all.
Which we did, and there were some mixed reviews, which we talked out on the way home...Norwegians!...So...then it was off to beddie byes.
P.S There was a serial killer in the mall...we almost died. He jumped on my back and proceeded to stab me four times, Katie flykicked him off and he landed in the fountain...and he burst into flames. It was scary. But we're ok.
Dé Sathairn, Meitheamh 07, 2008
I have returned.
So I decided...it's about time I got back into the swing of blogging.
I kind of feel out of that swing, but now, after getting my blogging backbrace, or equivalent...blogging cast, or blogging eyepatch, I'm all better and ready to rejoin the world.
Are you there? Let me know.
Well, today has seen me packing like a mad man as I leave for California tomorrow. Indeed.
I thought you were in Virginia?
Well not anymore.
I will be going to california to pursue some wholeness in God. It's what I need, and I'm not ashamed to admit that. I will be in an environment where I can be nutured and loved and where I will be able to see Godly leaders operate. I am very excited about that.
First I am stopping by the YWAM base to say hello to a few friends..which of course I would do.
Seriously, I am a missionary people, I can't just go paying willy nilly for bags and overweight and blah blah blah...What a tough situation...please pray that they dont charge me, or that God supernaturally lowers the weight of my bag, or the machine malfunctions...
So..packing. Packity pack pack. Takes so long. I am wrapping up my life here alot sooner than I thought...but in some ways thats good, because I know I am following God and excited to see where this crazy adventure takes me.
Oh boy...
well...here's some pictures of the packing frenzy...firstly..me in the mirror..

my 'worried im not gonna be able to get my bags on the plane' face.

the big bag and all the clothes that didn't fit in it..

my cool old fashioned suitcase

It feels good to be back...
I kind of feel out of that swing, but now, after getting my blogging backbrace, or equivalent...blogging cast, or blogging eyepatch, I'm all better and ready to rejoin the world.
Are you there? Let me know.
Well, today has seen me packing like a mad man as I leave for California tomorrow. Indeed.
I thought you were in Virginia?
Well not anymore.
I will be going to california to pursue some wholeness in God. It's what I need, and I'm not ashamed to admit that. I will be in an environment where I can be nutured and loved and where I will be able to see Godly leaders operate. I am very excited about that.
First I am stopping by the YWAM base to say hello to a few friends..which of course I would do.
Seriously, I am a missionary people, I can't just go paying willy nilly for bags and overweight and blah blah blah...What a tough situation...please pray that they dont charge me, or that God supernaturally lowers the weight of my bag, or the machine malfunctions...
So..packing. Packity pack pack. Takes so long. I am wrapping up my life here alot sooner than I thought...but in some ways thats good, because I know I am following God and excited to see where this crazy adventure takes me.
Oh boy...
well...here's some pictures of the packing frenzy...firstly..me in the mirror..
my 'worried im not gonna be able to get my bags on the plane' face.
the big bag and all the clothes that didn't fit in it..
my cool old fashioned suitcase
It feels good to be back...
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