Dé Luain, Feabhra 12, 2007

Is it enough to cry??

Well...where to begin.

The Fall DTS 2006/2007 officially graduated on Saturday. It was a time of mixed emotions and much anticipoation. Well at least for me. It also offical marked the end of what has been an incredible 5 months.

I had to speak at the graduation - and yeah - i thought i knew what i was going to tlak about, but i actually didnt until later that day, when God told me not to talk about the thing that i was meant to talk about in the first place. Phew...hard sentence to say.

So instead of speaking about Fedi and the Orphanage and all the stuff that was happening in my heart, I instead, went up to the stage with nothing specific in mind, and i even said that...asking God to help me know what to say.

Well - it went well. I felt like my inability to say anything coherent really showed my heart on the outreach. I was just in awe, and blown away of all the things that God had been doing, that i couldnt really express it in a way that made sense in any language. But yeah God spoke through me at the end, and i even was taught something myself.

Its not about YWAM. It's not about outreach or DTS. It has to ALWAYS be about Jesus. Everyday i have to wake up and CHOOSE him. Willingly except that he is my strength and that i can't do anything but live in him. But luckily, YWAM, DTS and outreach are ways in which we can meet God. But it's not about the way we meet, its about the actual meeting. I graduated last - it wasn't alphabetical, just coincidence. And people cheered like crazy. Honestly, it was so nice, i was really blown away by the ammount of love, and how people were proud of me. It was intense. It was nice because my family couldn't be there.

People have been leaving since then. Today, Eivind, Mike, Dihanna and Addie left. I spent last night with Eivind just talking and praying (and there was a little bit of crying - mostly on my part)...then he left today. I was so sad. I cried some more.

Eivind's been a big part of my life the last 5 months. I will definatly be in touch with him and know i'll see him again.

What's for me next?

School of Ministry Development. Starts in March. I will be under Lauren, Dan, Susie, Katie....and my fellow students (the ones i know) Dihanna, Kyle, Mike, Elise, Addie...

I'm trying to get home for a week or two before hand...we'll see how it works.

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